Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lessons from a Banyan Sapling

I captured the above picture on the mobile phone camera. There is nothing significant in this picture at a first glance. Depending on the eye of the beholder there is a pillar, asphalt floor, cars... yes it is a parking lot. This is the parking lot of DFW Airport. The reason for this plant attracting my attention is simple. The surroundings are completely hostile, but still a tiny seed has taken root and broken through the asphalt, concrete and tarmac to be precise and grown into a sapling. Whether it grows into a tree or not is not the matter of consideration. The fact that this tiny seed without anyone caring for it or watering it has been able to pierce through the earth, gather nutrients and grow to this extent proves its mettle and determination.
I had heard a quote earlier in my life "The greatest oak tree was once a tiny seed". That is what I feel a lesson for all of us, be resilient, determined and never let your eyes stray from your goal. Then like this sapling here we too will be able to pierce through all the obstacles and succeed in reaching our goal.
On a lighter note
Even the mighty America can't tame nature. Plants grow even in the most strongly built parking lots.

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1 comment:

shyam said...

hehehe.. i like it ;) nature has its own will.. does not care abt america or iraq or india :-)