Monday, January 23, 2012

Settling Into Academics...

Tom pokes Jerry in High Steaks, one of the 13 ...
Image via Wikipedia
School started a week ago and I am slowly but surely getting settled into the final leg of my degree program. Boy this is one event I am looking forward to... graduating soon. The past few semesters have been pretty rough and many a time I have felt Tom of, Tom and Jerry cartoon show - running after an elusive target and getting beaten up left, right and center. I hope this will be the end of all this and I will get to turn things around and make academics like Jerry pictured in this cartoon.

That would definitely be a day to celebrate for me, because I would have conquered my degree and not vice-versa. Anyway I will be blogging sporadically, now here and now not here.....
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the best in pinning Jerry down!!