Friday, January 25, 2008

Media Networking in Dallas

Networking is not such a good word in India; it is associated with slimy businessmen, shrewd marketers, persistent salespeople and politics. But networking is slowly getting accepted as a way to get to know people. Social and professional networking websites such as LinkedIn, Orkut etc are not viewed so favorably. In the US networking is the best way to meet people with similar interests or professions. I was told about this Media Networking event by Madelyn Miller a travel and food editor whom I met at the Press Club event. Media networking sounded new and revolutionary to me and hence I decided to attend and make some more contacts in the field.

The event was conducted at small bar known as The Ginger Man in Down Town Dallas and was attended by over 30 professionals of various kinds. Editors, publicists, radio, television and documentary film producers, photographers, graphic designers etc. There were people who were editors but totally unconcerned with the media, say a technical editor with a software firm, a video after effects editor, a budding film maker etc.

It is interesting to see how people strike up friendships within just minutes of having met and drift from group to group. I met at least two people who were going to India within the next two weeks, and excited they were. One planned to participate in a tiger safari and white rafting in the Ganges while the other was traveling to attend a wedding in the sultry city of Hyderabad. Madelyn Miller was there for a short while and left for some other appointment. A freelance photographer was shooting off to eternity. This was an event where there were more freelancers than staffers. Freelance writers I met were very professional and marketed themselves well. A culture which is in its nascent stage in India.


Slogan Murugan said...

Sahasi! You were spending too much time having funa nd adventure while you were here. That's the reson you haven't seen us desis network. Illu Same same guru

Lakshmi said...

Networking today in the Indian media context,is more on " what can I get out of you ? " they call it relationships ...