Sunday, October 12, 2008

NASA Rocket Park - Last stop of the tram tour

I have already blogged about my experience of visiting the Space Center Houston and going through the numerous high-security buildings in the NASA. Well the last stop during our tram tour of NASA was at the Rocket Park where numerous rockets which were built but never launched are kept on display for visitors. The most notable among the rockets was the Appollo VI which was built to go to Moon but never launched because the US congress closed down the mission.

Anyway the rocket definitely looks impressive, I can imagine how tall it would look if placed vertical. The rocket is placed on wheeled wagons as if it is ready to be assembled and taken for launch. The engines, fuel tanks, astronaut cabins etc are all complete and it definitely presented an impressive sight. Here are some pictures of the same. Enjoy!!!

Rocket on display

Engines of the Appollo, impressive indeed

This is one huge rocket!!!

This is one huge rocket!!!

Engines of this rocket - another view

1 comment:

Gopinath Mavinkurve said...

Impressive, great pics!