Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Superbrain YOGA

Watch the video below and learn the amazing technique to improve your cranial capacity. But well I am pretty certain 95 % of Indians would already be aware of this exercise... not as Superbrain Yoga but as a punishment or as a prayer to Lord Ganesh (God of knowledge and wisdom).

When I saw western researchers, doctors and teachers using this technique to enhance brain capacity of their students/ patients, I went back in time when I was in school and my teachers used the same method to punish dull students. But I guess the teachers themselves were unaware that this type of activity is actually brain stimulant and has been carefully camouflaged as a punishment and handed down over several generations. The same goes with repeating the procedure as obeisance for Lord Ganesh with a prayer for enhancing our knowledge... it actually enhances our brain power.
Well now once this research (by westerners of course) becomes popular and accepted across the world, people who look down condescendingly upon Indian (particularly Hindu) religious practices will have a better understanding, I hope.

1 comment:

Gopinath Mavinkurve said...

Nice find, Sri! Loved it! First i guessed it would be Shirshasana. Hope Indians had patented this. Wonder how Intellectual Property Rights works for such age old practices which we Indians are forgetting by the day!