Thursday, April 30, 2009

Enjoy outdoors without worrying about mosquitos!

Spring and summer provide a much awaited break from cold winters which confine us to heated indoor spaces and prevent us from enjoying the great outdoors. Activities such as sun bathing, barbecue, outdoor picnics are best enjoyed in the warm weather. But with warm weather brings its own problems, a plague of mosquitoes and other biting into your backyard. These insects pose a big irritation and play spoilsport to your enjoyable time with family and friends.

Mosquitoes are natural blood suckers and get attracted by our body warmth. Some people think that mosquitoes don't live that long and after a few weeks they disappear on their own. First fact is that this is grossly false. The second is a greater reason to guard against these flying pests. Mosquitoes are air-borne carriers of several disease causing viruses such as the West Nile virus and different strains of bacteria. These microscopic organisms cause diseases such as Malaria, Dengue and Encephalitis.

People have tried numerous methods to get rid of this mosquito menace. Things like mosquito repellent ointments, window meshes, mosquito repellent sprays, etc have been introduced in the market by various companies. But none have provided a proven, lasting, long-term and safe solution to the problem of mosquitoes. But now there is a huge ray of hope for those of us pestered by mosquitoes. I read the review of Mosquito Magnet traps online and I am quite impressed by the different things this product can do. This is a unique gadget which mimics the human body and attracts mosquitoes towards itself and kills them all. This can be placed anywhere indoors or outdoors, they can run non-stop for 24 hours. After watching an explanatory video on their website I think this is going to provide the much needed relief from mosquitoes.

The product has received glowing reviews. One mosquito magnet review from K. McLeod Hanover, MA reads something like: "I live in Hanover, Massachusetts and purchased a Mosquito Magnet® for my pool area. I turned it on last May and it immediately started catching bags full of mosquitoes. During the course of last summer I noticed the mosquito population around my home had decreased and by August had almost completely disappeared. I have already started the trap this year and noticed an unbelievable difference in the limited amount of mosquitoes in my yard this year. We enjoy our pool more than ever and appreciate that the Mosquito Magnet® has made our backyard safer for our kids and a more pleasurable place to be."

This is just a sample review, there are hundreds of others who have been helped by this amazing product. They have been able to use their backyard again, spend time at the pool, enjoy outdoor activities with family, let kids play in their backyards, etc. This summer I am going to install one of these cool gadgets in our backyard and we will also enjoy summer in true outdoor style, thanks to Mosquito Magnet.


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