Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston Bombers - Captured or Killed

The two sick Islamist terrorists who are allegedly the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon Bombings are now in the custody of the law enforcement. Swift work and great job by the American law enforcement officials. That shows not only the hard working nature of the police officers here but also the political will and corruption free atmosphere the people here enjoy. When it comes to anti-American activities there is simply no pardon, everything is set aside and people work together as one nation. To say that I am impressed would be an understatement. I definitely salute the law enforcement and politicians who gave them unfettered power to go after the culprits and bring them in.

The Scenario in Bengaluru which also experienced serious blasts is quite the opposite, politicians are playing the blame game, people are back in their routines, media has forgotten the incident and now it occupies the inside pages of the newspapers. Police probably are just adding pages to the case and doing some paper pushing. Terrorists are probably laughing and partying away and planning their next attack. That is the pathetic state of affairs in the world's most populous democracy.

If I was in India reading this very post, I would be enraged and say what does the writer know, he is living in the comfort of America. One thing those in India must understand, we maybe far away from the country but we still love India and feel frustrated when such events take place and people just sit around and twiddle their thumbs. I want to see those involved in the recent Terrorist attacks in Bengaluru brought in front of the law and killed like the Mumbai terrorist. Same goes with every single anti-India person who wants to commit treason. This can only happen when the common people in India take action and do something - voting for the right candidate would be a good start. Getting actively involved in the community/ social well being by setting aside narrow political, caste wars aside would be even better. This will defeat the anti-National forces easily.


Anonymous said...

Jai Hind!

Anonymous said...

Jai Hind!